Redefining Enterprise
Browser Security

Seraphic is your partner in stopping all exploits, social engineering, and other advanced web attacks and preventing policy infringements by using a fine-grained data leakage prevention engine

Seraphic Key Capabilities

Your level of security is defined by the weakest spot in your organizational multi-layer defense. Seraphic is turning the browser from the weakest point to the strongest point in your organizational security chain

Exploit Prevention

Seraphic creates an abstraction layer between the JavaScript code and JavaScript engine, breaking the execution engine predictability and making the browser unexploitable to known or unknown vulnerabilities

Exploit attempt prevented

Social Engineering Prevention

Seraphic stops phishing and other social engineering attacks and prevents leakage of user credentials by using real-time browser execution telemetry and browsing context.

Browser with popup

Web App Attacks Prevention

Seraphic protects your organization from web application vulnerability based attacks such as XSS, CSRF, clickjacking, cryptojacking, session hijacking, and many more.

Browser - Security posture section

Data Loss Prevention

Seraphic ensures enterprise assets are not lost, misused, or accessed by unauthorized users. Seraphic has visibility into all user actions and the analysis is performed locally, such that sensitive data doesn’t leave the browser.

Browser popup notification

Policy and Governance

Seraphic allow you to see and control what your users are installing on their browsers. Easily install or forcefully remove unwanted extensions and reduce risk from existing extensions.

Browser - extensions section

Seraphic Spotlights

Enterprise browser security seraphic white paper

Enterprise Browser Security White Paper

A New Way to Protect Users, Devices, and Data.

Frost & Sullivan's Awards resources spotlight

Frost & Sullivan Enabling Technology Leadership Award

Learn why Seraphic was selected for this prestigious award.

Seraphic Security FAQ Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

From how Seraphic Security works to how it integrates with your technology and security stack.

ESG technical validation of Seraphic Security

ESG Technical Validation

Learn how ESG validated our enterprise browser security capabilities. An independent third-party report.

Turn Any Browser Into a Secure Enterprise Browser

Turn Any Browser Into a Secure Enterprise Browser

Solution brief in PDF format (2 pages).

Enable Your Hybrid Workforce with Any Browser

Enable Your Hybrid Workforce with Any Browser

Solution brief in PDF format (2 pages).

Safely Enable 3rd parties and BYOD Using Any Browser

Safely Enable 3rd parties and BYOD Using Any Browser

Solution brief in PDF format (2 pages).

Enable Safe Browsing On Any Browser 

Enable Safe Browsing On Any Browser

Solution brief in PDF format (4 pages).

Secure Enterprise Data In Any Browser

Secure Enterprise Data In Any Browser

Solution brief in PDF format (2 pages).

Enterprise browser security seraphic white paper

Enterprise Browser Security White Paper

A New Way to Protect Users, Devices, and Data.

Frost & Sullivan's Awards resources spotlight

Frost & Sullivan Enabling Technology Leadership Award

Learn why Seraphic was selected for this prestigious award.

Seraphic Security FAQ Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

From how Seraphic Security works to how it integrates with your technology and security stack.

ESG technical validation of Seraphic Security

ESG Technical Validation

Learn how ESG validated our enterprise browser security capabilities. An independent third-party report.

Turn Any Browser Into a Secure Enterprise Browser

Turn Any Browser Into a Secure Enterprise Browser

Solution brief in PDF format (2 pages).

Enable Your Hybrid Workforce with Any Browser

Enable Your Hybrid Workforce with Any Browser

Solution brief in PDF format (2 pages).

Safely Enable 3rd parties and BYOD Using Any Browser

Safely Enable 3rd parties and BYOD Using Any Browser

Solution brief in PDF format (2 pages).

Enable Safe Browsing On Any Browser 

Enable Safe Browsing On Any Browser

Solution brief in PDF format (4 pages).

Secure Enterprise Data In Any Browser

Secure Enterprise Data In Any Browser

Solution brief in PDF format (2 pages).

Learn why Seraphic was awarded Frost & Sullivan's 2024 Enabling Technology Leadership Award

Read the report

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