Secure Remote Access

Seraphic allows your users or third-party service providers to securely utilize all their company resources (applications) while being off-premise without the need for infrastructure change, and without security compromises, while maintaining user experience just as if they were at the office.

Technical Details

  • Seraphic will “expose” internal web applications to outside users in a dedicated page.
  • Once authenticated the user will get access and experience as if it was on-premise.
  • No need for any additional type of network validation like VPN though it may be used in parallel for other purposes.
  • Deployment vector
    • Unmanaged – reverse proxy (for application exposure and agent injection)
    • Managed – reverse proxy (for application exposure only) + extension (for agent injection)
      Remote access Chart

What is Secure Remote Access?

Secure Remote Access refers to the implementation of security measures that are designed to shield an organization’s digital assets from unauthorized access and safeguard sensitive data from loss. 

With an advanced Secure Remote Access implementation, the browser is fortified to become a fully defended attack surface in the digital workplace. Seraphic gives you the capability to equip any browser – be it Chrome, Safari, Edge, or Firefox, etc. – with the defenses it needs to become a secured gateway for your enterprise operations.

Leverage Seraphic’s patented technology that offers unprecedented protection against a spectrum of attacks including the most vulnerable times such as zero-day exploits, the initial hours before phishing sites are identified and categorized, and the gap between when browser patches have been released and when your users have implemented them.

Offering consistent policy enforcement across all types of browsers, Seraphic ensures a seamless user experience across enterprise web browsers whether your employees and contractors are working on-premises or logging in remotely, and bolsters your defense against unauthorized access and data loss.

Access Seraphic's Enterprise Browser Security White Paper: A New Way to Protect Users, Devices, and Data

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