Meet us at Black Hat USA 2023

Join us in the Business Hall on August 9th and 10th 2023, for one of the world’s leading cybersecurity events!

**This event ended. Click here to schedule a meeting with us at Black Hat USA 2024:
Black Hat USA 2024**

This year the event is taking place at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center. Find us in the Startup City area at booth 619 and talk to us about our award-winning patented enterprise browser security solution that works on every browser, helping protect your users, devices, and data in the world of hybrid work.

About Seraphic Security

Seraphic is an enterprise browser security solution that enables secure browsing for your employees and contractors, working from their corporate or personal devices, to protect your enterprise assets while providing advanced governance and policy enforcement.

About Black Hat  

Black Hat was founded in 1997 and is an internationally recognized cybersecurity event series, providing the most technical and relevant information security research. 

Event date
August 5-10, 2023
Mandalay Bay Convention Center, Las Vegas

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